J.Scanner Stand via @ProBizMgmt

On 7/7/14, Ted Drake came to our home (Janice & Kevin) to purchase the MSS…


Ted told me that our product is a great beta, but it is a 20% product, and he wanted us to make a 80% product that would work for Intuit Go Payment on iPhone. The JSS has the values of the Mobile Scanning Solution, built on the brand of PMI, and the prototype was developed in record time.


We are in the Hardware 2.0 industry, making stabilization stands for mobile apps, specifically mobile image capture/video feed productivity tools. We revolutionized the industrial era, brought the manufacturing & production age back into Fremont (Silicon Valley)…


The business articles that the JSS grounds are:

W-2 tax forms(two side-by-side);

Plastic/paper cards (credit, debit, and business cards);

Paper cash money;

And, receipts (expense reports).

It was on July 7, 2014, where we stopped marketing the #MSS via @ProMoneyImage…


The other mobile OCR apps that the J.Scanner Stand works with are:

PayPal, Evernote, Expensify, Money Reader.

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